Undergraduate Teaching Assistants
Now accepting submissions for the Fall 2025 semester!
Computer Science Teaching Assistant Interest Form
The CS department has always benefited from having fantastic undergrads work as Teaching Assistants for our courses. We simply couldn’t make the courses run without them!
Would you like to get more involved in the CS department? Interested in helping students learn about computing and programming? Want to help run a lab? Excited about grading exams?
Some classes (such as CS 1110 and 1111) start interviewing and hiring TAs before the end of the semester, as opposed to at the beginning of the next. Thus, if you wish to be considered for a TA position, particularly for an early CS course, please fill out the form linked above sooner rather than later.
Hiring will continue up through the first week of classes (or we have filled our slots).
If you have a question about whether you are being considered for a position or not, you should contact the professor in question directly. (You could do this anyway so that you let them know you are interested!)
The CS Department TA Hiring Policy is as follows:
1) Students with no prior experience being a TA for the CS department must sign up for 1 credit of CS 2910 in the first semester they are a TA. Any work done as a part of CS 2190 does not affect the number of hours a student is paid for their TA duties. A student can only take CS 2910 once for credit.
2) Students are allowed to TA for more than one course if they are given more than one offer. If a student accepts a second TA position (either in our department or without), it is the student’s responsibility to inform both professors of their intention. The professor has the right to withdraw any employment offer after the student makes this declaration.
3) TAs can work up to 20 hours/week for all UVA jobs combined.
CS 2910 - CS Education Practicum will not have set meeting times like other courses. It will be flexible to work with your schedule. More information will be available at the beginning of next semester. Note that brand new TAs to the department must take this course.
It is a very good idea to introduce yourself to the faculty you are interested in working with! They need to put a face to the name!
- If you have a question about a particular position (if a course is still hiring, if you haven’t heard anything, etc.), please contact the instructor of the course.
- If you have a question about hiring paperwork (after you have a position), please contact cs-office@virginia.edu.
Graduate Teaching Assistants
If you are a graduate student and are interested in being a teaching assistant, please contact cs-office@virginia.edu.