BSCS Presentations
- BSCS New Major Initial Advising (Spring 2024)
- BSCS Fall Engineering Majors Night (2023) (NOTE: Unfortunately, the audio on the recording failed :-(. The information in last year’s recording below is pretty much the same, but feel free to email with any questions.)
- BSCS New Major Initial Advising (Fall 2022)
- BSCS Information Session for First Years
- BSCS Transfer Presentation (Summer 2022)
Video Library
BSCS General Information Session (Fall 2022)
BACS Presentations
Here is an orientation video for College students interested in the BACS or CS minor (recorded June 2024). This is for potential majors, newly declared majors, and new or potential transfer students.
- Slides from the above presentation.
- The latest video about the Old BACS is here: (This is from Sept. 2021, but it focuses on the “old curriculum”.)