UVAccelerate (aka UVXL)

Page Last Updated: Monday, October 21, 2024

This page (maintained by FL) is intended to cover some common questions from CS undergrads. Please read the SEAS’s UVXL webpage before proceeding.

Q1: I plan to get my bachelor’s degree in three years, (how/when) should I apply for the UVXL program?

No. You should apply for the MCS in the regular way. Please refer to the sample timeline below.

Q2: But I have room in my year 3! I want to get head start for my MCS.

You still do not need UVXL. Just take graduate courses in your year 3. Any graduate credits unused for your bachelor’s degree can be applied towards your MCS later.

Q3: What if I plan to get my bachelor’s degree in 3.5 years?

Apply for UVXL in the spring of your 3rd year.

Q4: Can I start my MCS in the Spring?

Typically, CS often admits master’s for Fall cycles so approval will be needed. If you’re admitted to UVXL and would like to start the MCS in the spring rather than the fall, please contact Ashley Haddox (SEAS grad office) in your final semester of undergrad, who will submit a request on your behalf to Prof. Matt Dwyer (CS) overseeing the CS grad admission.

Q5: If I am eligible to graduate with both undergraduate and master’s degrees simultaneously, what would be the process for graduation?

You may graduate with the undergraduate degree with the usual timing, remain in the affiliated status for one semester, and graduate with your master’s degree.

Q6: What are the master’s degree requirements?


To visualize the requirements, FL made these non-official slides (UVA login required).

Q7: If I accept my UVXL admission status, can I drop out the program anytime in the rest of my undergraduate study?

UVAccelerate offers a non-binding and flexible program structure. You may withdraw at any point before the MCS officially starts. If you decide to do so, notify gradengineeringinfo@virginia.edu.

Q8: I just got accepted to UVXL! What courses should I take in the Fall semester?

See Q6 above. Strongly recommended CS6190 (CS perspective, 1 hr). It is required for all MS/MCS degrees and only offered in Fall. Other than that, decide based on your personal interest (e.g. ML, CPS, or systems?), career plan (e.g. looking for internship that may require LLM skills?), and course load (e.g. how many project-based courses you will have?). Check Lou’s list to see what is to be offered. Contact individual instructors asking for syllabi.

Q9: How do I get enrolled in graduate classes?

By filling in a request form online. That will geneate requests to their advisors (cs-office), to the course instructors, and to the SEAS grad office & registrar (in this order). Should any approver denies the form (e.g. the form has incorrect information), the students will be notified of the denial. This basically voids the request.

Q10: How does the student know where their form is and do they get a notification once it is denied or processed?

The student will not know where the form is in the approval process, but they will be notified once everything is approved or if their request is denied. If they submitted the form a while ago, they can email Mr. Jesse Rogers (the SEAS registrar) to get a status on their request. Many times it’s held up somewhere, and they can resend the form to the recipient.

Q11: How can I get TA and/or RA positions?

TA: The department rarely hires MS/MCS students unless specifically requested by faculty, often when a professor knows the student and recognizes their suitability. Consider reaching out to professors proactively. TAs for MS/MCS are usually hourly and don’t cover tuition.

RA: Funding comes from individual faculty members, so building relationships is key. This can be achieved by doing independent studies or capstone projects under their supervision.

Q99: I still have questions. Who to contact?

  • For general UVXL questions (application, finance, etc), contact Ashley Haddox at the SEAS graduate office.
  • For CS-specific UVXL questions (courses, degree requirements, etc), contact cs-uvaccelerate@
  • For CS admission questions, contact Prof. Matt Dwyer who oversees the CS graduate admission.